
24-25 Uniforms Are Now Available!
All scholars must purchase their school and P.E. uniforms from EPLA. You can purchase black pants for the uniform anywhere you’d like.Note: For the Start of 2024-25
If your uniform has not arrived yet, please wear black bottoms. For the shirt wear a t-shirt with the designated color of the grade level. 6th grade black, 7th grade green, and 8th grade maroon. Si todavía no tiene su uniforme por favor use el pantalon negro y la playera con el color del año al va asistir. 6to año negro, 7to año verde, y 8to año guinda.Please ensure that they adhere to the Dress Code policy below.
Dress Codes
Middle School
Daily Uniform
- Grade-level Polo Shirt Colors
- 6th Grade: Black with EPLA Logo
- 7th Grade: Forest Green with EPLA Logo
- 8th Grade: Crimson Red with EPLA Logo
- Bottoms
- Black uniform pants (ex. Dickies, Dockers, khaki)
- Black shorts
- Black Skirts
- Black Skorts
- No Jeans
- No Leggins
- No Joggers
- No sweatpants
Physical Education
- All 6th and 8th graders need to purchase the official EPLA P.E. uniform
- Students must bring an additional bag to carry their P.E. uniform, they must only wear it only during P.E. class (students must be suited out).
- Shoes must meet the following guidelines:
- Closed toe Firm bottom
- Heels must be 1.5 inches or less
- ABSOLUTELY no flip-flops
CRSHH T-Shirts
- Students who earn a CRSHH t-shirt may wear their t-shirt with blue jeans on Fridays or days in which CRSHH assemblies are held.
- Students are required to wear belts or have shirts tucked in with CRSHH shirts. They must adhere to all other aspects of the dress code, however, including size and fit of pants (as well as no rips, holes or tears).
- Students are not allowed to wear headwear, such as baseball caps, beanies, or hoods, in-doors. Students are not allowed to have hoods raised while outside on school grounds either, unless in case of inclement weather.
Prohibited Items
- See-through clothing
- Facial piercings
- Sunglasses (unless used with prescription)
- All EPLA scholars must wear bottoms with no tears, holes, or rips
- Shirts must be tucked in at all times
- Students must be wearing a belt at all time
High School
- All headwear (hats, caps, hairnets, scarves, etc.) and sunglasses must be worn out-doors only.
- All blouses/shirts should be of appropriate length (Shirts/blouses should be able to be tucked in)
- Any display of cleavage is not allowed
- No midriffs/crop tops or any shirt that exposes the abdomen.
- No bare backs or bikinis strings
- No shirts that are altered (ex: cutting sleeves)
- No spaghetti straps are allowed
- Pants should be worn at the waist level, no sagging and covering undergarments.
- Jeans are accepted
- No baggy pants are accepted.
- Ripped pants/jeans are not allowed
- Leggings, spandex type pants, see through pants, tights, leotards are not acceptable
- The length of shorts and skirts cannot be shorter than mid-thigh (Arms at side length).
- Shorts must also be worn at waist level.
- Biker/Spandex are not permitted
- Students must wear appropriate shoes to school.
- Sandals or slides without a back strap are not allowed
- Flip flops, slippers, crocs are not allowed
- In lab participation, closed toe shoes are required
- No bare feet are allowed
- Accessories are allowed as long as they do not cause any safety problems or are disruptive to the classroom environment.
- Make-up should not be applied during class time.
- Campus administrators have the final decision regarding safety issues and classroom disruptions associated with accessories and make-up.
Prohibited items
- Any clothing that has vulgar, obscene or offensive language, drug, alcohol, images or emblems
- Any clothing/accessories indicating affiliation with a gang
- See through or translucent clothing
- Exposed undergarments and underwear
- Excessively baggy clothes
- Any facial piercings with the exception of earrings
- Long chains or chains on pants
- Pajamas
- All EPLA scholars must wear bottoms with no tears, holes, or rips