It’s Red Ribbon Spirit Week at EPLA!
Every day scholars will be able to celebrate by dressing up in theme to celebrate red ribbon week and promote living drug-free. Details below were provided in this week’s Monday Newsletter.
Monday 10/29
Red Ribbon Spirit Day
To kick off Spirit Week and celebrate Red Ribbon Week, scholars are encouraged to wear red on this day. You can dress in red from head-to-toe or wear a red shirt with jeans.
Tuesday 10/30
Twin Tuesday– Friends Don’t Let Friends Do Drugs!
It’s Twin/Group Day! Together we can help each other live drug-free. You can dress up similar to another scholar or group of scholars. Be creative!
Wednesday 10/31
Halloween Costume Day
Don’t Be Afraid To Say “No” To Drugs!
Celebrate Halloween! Scholars will be allowed to wear Halloween costumes. Scholars who dress up as literary characters or future careers will get a special treat!
Thursday 11/1
Cape Day! Be Someone’s Hero!
Peer pressure is a real thing. It sometimes takes superhero strength to say no–especially to your friends. On this day we encourage scholars to wear capes or to dress up as superheroes. If you’re only wearing a cape, you must be in the standard uniform dress.
Friday 11/2
Free Dress — Express Yourself Without Drugs
Trends come and go but living drug-free is a life-long commitment. Remind yourself of what makes you positively unique!
Dress Code Rules for Spirit Week:
No masks or toy weapons on any day.
No fake blood, references to gore, or violence.
Costumes that excessively distract from learning environment may be disallowed, per the discretion of school administration.
If in doubt, please check in with Mr. Benitez, Mr. Diaz, Mr. Casillas or Mr. Morales
Must follow standard dress code; no prohibited items.
Prohibited Items
Sandals, open-toed shoes, and heels are NOT permitted for lab safety reasons
No jeans or pants with holes, tears, or rips
No leggings by themselves; leggings with a solid black skirt are acceptable
No see-through clothing, camisoles, or spaghetti straps, no muscle shirts and tank tops
No short shorts or mini-skirts
No clothing with inappropriate messages
No facial piercings
No sunglasses, unless allowed during P.E.
No hats are allowed inside EPLA classrooms and office areas. They may be worn while outside or during P.E. class if allowed by the instructor. Hoods should not be worn at any time.